Friday, September 25, 2015

Future Cars: Hydrogenated-Silicon May Replace Gasoline

Gasoline and petroleum are explosive hydrocarbons.  By hydrocarbons I mean chemicals made of H (hydrogen) and C (carbon) as in a few of the commonly know fuels:

Yet, not all hydrocarbons are explosive – for instance, pavement (sidewalks roads etc.). Pavement is a nonflammable hydrocarbon. Typically, folks don’t think of silicon as being flammable. When someone says silicon, I think of beach sand, soda bottles, or medical equipment (silicon is used to make silicone). For this reason often times, folks think of silicon as something stable. For instance, silicon glass melts at very high temperatures, and even then, it does not explode.

However, there may be some sort of chemical way to make silicon gasoline. Thus, I am not talking about a vehicle that runs on sand. For combustion engines, I am talking about replacing hydrocarbons with hydrogenate-silicon.  That means the compounds with the C (carbon), would be replaced by Si (silicon) in the picture.

The idea is that vehicles would consume chemically altered explosive silicon compounds.  The silicon would be chemically altered through hydrogenation.

The periodic table says that silicon is the closest thing to carbons, especially because both carbon and silicon have four valence electrons.

There is so much sand out there, and that is the primary appeal of inventing a silicon combustion engine. However, this procedure would probably not be environmentally safe.  In fact, it may be worse, but that isn't a guarantee, because it may be better for the environment gas.  Perhaps, through experimentation secrets may be revealed.

Cape Cod Canal Dredging - Edit

Due to the necessity of dredging the Cape Cod Canal for the sake of large cargo boats, and other massive boats, Sandwich, MA homeowners living in the Town Neck shore area need the government to step in and tell them to move to a new locality in return for taxpayer compensation. This way should eventually be the most cost effective countermeasure, as dredging and then leaving the sand in the Town Neck area is a futile ritual. This is a situation that needs greater measures of consideration.

Why is this necessary? The sand would be back too shortly due to the strong tidal currents in the canal area. And, there is no way to bring the sand over the sand dunes without destroying them. We need to claim the land by the houses for making a place to not only bring the sand ashore, but also to get it in big dump trucks so that it can be carried away to a faraway inland dump.

The Solution:

To address the current issue, the sand should be brought ashore. Then, taken from the shore area, and transferred to a local landfill. This would require use of big machinery like dump trucks and front loaders, but it should greatly slow problematic sand deposits.

"In the next three weeks, as much as 180,000 cubic yards of sand will be pumped onto the beach. The sand will be shaped and sculpted into dunes to protect the salt marsh, boardwalk and Mill Creek. The town is paying $2.9 million, a combination of town funds and $1 million in state money, to pay for the project."

The next step is that now that we have the Canal dredged, we need to put that sand in a place far enough inland so that hopefully it will put off other dredging to a much later date, as it is nearly impossible to completely fix the problem forever.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Science and Auras: Quantifying Explanations for Unique Personal Destinies via Aura Dynamics

Eventually, scientists will probably have the power be able to figure out parts of our destiny through the type of particles and/or living cells that surround us.

What surrounds us from our habitat makes us have a unique personal aura.

For instance, dirty laundry scent is known to be a way partners are able to recognize each other.

The extent to the power of auras is unknown, but through exploring the possibilities in a scientific laboratory, we may be able to accomplish such things so, lofty as helping to prevent crime.

We may find why some people seem blessed while others seem cursed.

At least we may be able to understand the behaviors of scientific actions like the push and pull that helps is navigate our life.

The knowledge of aura dynamics may be helpful to psychiatric counselors. Doctors may able to help patients through the invention of new kinds of prescription pills that adjust our subconscious assisting in the aid of our push and pull we feel when engaging the cosmos.

We may be able to find lost loved ones, locating them through following the path of their aura, as a beagle (beagles are dogs known for their tracking abilities) would, but possibly even better than these smell oriented dogs through use of innovative technology.

What may be included in these aura’s may be stuff from creatures to vegetables to minerals, and through analysis in a scientific lab, this information should enable us through study to be able to determine and change our destinies, such that humanity will know what causes the push and pull in every way according to our aura.

Religion is very aware of this kind of push and pull. For instance, there is a teaching that our connections sever from our neighbors according to our sins and good deeds. Employment of aura technology does not necessarily mean that the role of Gd diminishes, as learning about the facets Gd’s creation in no way subtracts from Him his power and providence.