Monday, November 30, 2015

Stranded Cape Cod Sea Turtles

The rate of sea turtle stranding in Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts is at epic proportions, threatening sea turtles with extinction. The Mass Audubon Society in Wellfleet MA is trying to help stranded turtles survive. A major problem common to sea turtles is that they get off their migratory course and strand, such that without help, many die too young in Cape Cod Bay.
A possible fix to help sea turtles may be employment of a large magnet that would pull the turtles so that they never enter Cape Cod Bay.  All we need to do is get turtles out of the Bay, and then nature should take care of the rest.  Thus, I am not suggesting that it is the turtles’ problem.  It is our problem, and fixing it comes down needing the courage to work to help the turtles from extinction.  Thus, I suggest that human activity causes turtle stranding.
I suggest using model scales and testing to help determine how this technology should work.
Sea turtles migrate partially because that is what a magnet in their brain pulls them to do.  Thus I suggest possibly the natural magnet of sea turtles has been confused due to the huge iron magnetic presence of barges using the Cape Cod Canal.

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