Sunday, March 4, 2012

Money and Idol Worship: In God We Trust.

I don’t have a traditional job.  I just go about my days and nights as a free man, usually working hard to simply do good deeds with the attitude that the favor is generally returned.  I can’t think of how many people would tell me to get a real job.  You know a job that pays!  These folk tell me, “It’s not work unless you bring home a paycheck.”  They tell me that I am not a this or that because I don’t have a degree, etc.
So, what is more important money or God?  Is Gd simply a way for people to get money?  I would imagine rather many people would vehemently defend their faith in Jesus, but then when they hear that I usually work far more than 40hrs a week, but receive no money directly for my services, they tell me that I don’t have a job.  They tell me I am unemployed.  What’s more, they tell me that I am not providing for my family.  What gives?
The take home message that these people are saying is that one does not live by the grace of Gd, but that they live because they take home a paycheck.  They are idolaters.  To them, money equates to Gd because they would put aside Gd first before they put aside their paying job.  Given the choice between a paycheck and bills that say, “In God We Trust,” the fool laughs at me and thinks I am naïve for fearing Gd, and not having much concern over my financial situation.

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