Saturday, October 13, 2012

On Magnitude and Minimum Wage: How Raising Minimum Wage Trivializes the Value of a Dollar

Perhaps, the most grievous part of our America’s situation is not that the middle and working class are shrinking, while the ranks of the underclass and the working poor increase is that there is a total loss of the value of the dollar. For example, ask a regular someone the difference between $5 and $7 and they will say two dollars, and not think much of the difference when spending when the real difference between these is a full 200 units!, pennies that is.

So, the problem is that 200 pennies are not being spent wisely. That is a lot of units of our currency. Ask someone the difference between $2 and $202 and he or she will probably say there is a huge difference. Do you see the problem with this mentality that disrespects the value of a penny.  It is the mentality of a Democrat, and that has to change if America is to have a bright future. The 99% can't continue on spending like they are drunk unable to pay respect to the value of a penny.

The fact is that every time government steps in to raise minimum wage it makes things worse.  Because when minimum wage is raised, the prices of goods also rise.  They rose in my parent’s generation, and they rose in mine.  What is even more worse is that it becomes more difficult to determine the magnitude of prices when people with less than amazing skills are calculating how much money they will need at the checkout counter. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Elections 2012: I Can’t Believe That There Is A Question as to Whether or Not We Need New Leadership

It’s practically unbelievable that there is even a contest for the 2012 election.  America is in the mud, and everyone seems to be worried that Mitt Romney will take away all the precious program funding and leave us to hang out to dry.  I do agree that Mitt Romney wants cuts.  And, I can only pray that they will be sensible cuts that will eventually balance the federal deficit.  However, what we have in office as I am writing this blog is a President that has proven himself to be completely ineffective at making any headway in reducing the federal deficit.  That amounts to this, America is either going to have to take its cuts, which I liken to taking needed medication, or else we will go on inflating the dollar as a sick nation on a crash course with oblivion.
Ladies and gentlemen, I implore you, look at the evidence.  President Obama has not been able to make even a dent in the deficit in 4 years, and many people want to reelect him.  The evidence is that if he since he has not made any headway, that if we give him another 4 years, it is only reasonable that we can expect the deficit to remain unchanged, while trillions of dollars are once again heaped onto the federal debt.
America needs change, and the only way we are going to get it is if in the next four years we balance the federal deficit.  Otherwise, we can only expect the devaluation of the dollar.  Yes, there are consequences to running big deficits and the primary one is inflation of the dollar.  If you don’t know what that means, it means things get more expensive though you do not have necessary money to pay for them.  That is, with inflation, your money won’t stretch as far, and while you might have programs, the inertia of these programs to adapt to fiscal change is also very likely to leave those whom are unfortunate without anyway.  They can’t be saved.  Unless Obama does a 180 and suddenly starts putting forth potential ideas that are bipartisan to balance the budget America’s future will remain bleak.  So, let’s put a stop to the Obama bin Laden’s insane fiscal policies.
First, and foremost, if we give someone who has already failed at this another chance, as in another chance to be able to work in a bipartisan House and Senate in order to accomplish something for good we as Americans are headed more and more into the direction of becoming indentured servants, for future generations.
When I elected President Obama, I had two things in mind.  I wanted national healthcare, and I wanted a balanced federal budget.  I believed then, and I still believe now that those two things are capable of being accomplished.  Medication and medicine pays for itself, and I believed that the Democrats could make headway in balancing the debt because I believed in President Barrack Obama’s ability to fall in the steps former President Bill Clinton during his term in office.  However, I was wrong.  Barrack Obama wasn’t the answer, and I still think John McCain was not the correct answer either.  Hopefully, though it may take some financial responsibility, the voters will elect someone new, and not someone who has done nothing on the most important issue we face in the last 4 years.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

On Deregulation and Immigration 2012

1:1  Immigrants never did one thing to harm me. They take away jobs that are mindless and stupid in our harvest of shame. Honestly, Romney has a point, roughly 40% of Americans could be called unnecessary, such that I don't see the point protecting our borders much.

1:2  The border is massive. Too massive, and expensive to patrol to keep people (immigrants) from coming here to take lame ass jobs. Forget about the lower 50%.

1:3  In response that illegals get a free education and that this should  be stopped:  I believe it is about time to gut the public educational system. Parents who can afford it have greatly increased the rate that they are sending their children to private schools. The sad part is that inability to get private education may equate to all publicly educated children being left behind. As someone who qualifies for food stamps, I would imagine that my child will probably be able to get into whatever school he wants through on merit based scholarships. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up in the top ten in the state for intelligence on some subject. He wouldn't be the first in my family. My grandfather and his brother both scored in the top 10 in the state of Pennsylvania when for World War II intelligence assessment, and so on.

1:4  Many businesses depend on having illegal immigrants because they can pay them less. The documentation of new citizens need not be that extensive. Really, it should only take an hour or so meeting to make illegals into documented folk. Seriously, if you can get by as an illegal here, we need not spend a whole lot of time educating folks to be citizens in some sort of silly process. Really, at the heart of keeping people illegal is so that folks can be lazy. Essentially, the demand for keeping illegals undocumented is the desire to inflate the dollar by paying citizens more money, and it is completely back firing. No person wins when we raise minimum wage.

1:5  Yes, we can harness the power of cheap labor (minimum wage first inflates the dollar, and makes it harder to hire citizens), and the business model doesn't work in some ways (especially from the economic perspective), but that is because no business except big business can seem to get a foothold in this economy. Many folks hire illegals because it is the only way to get by. In that sense, their business model is not flawed. It comes down to this, "You do what you have to do," in order to survive in this economy if you are a small business. Trying to get rid of illegals is virtually impossible, and a big waste of funding, especially in an economy with a high rate of unemployment. Folks that are documented need to be able to compete over the table. Getting rid of illegals is a poor attempt to get everyone at minimum wage because the illegals will nearly always steal documented folks job from them.

1:6  Fools believe that raising the minimum wage results in the working poor or the working class getting more stuff.  It just means that prices go up.

1:7  The milk is going sour by itself. As time progresses, with the current economic progression, we should be worried more about middle class jobs and not the working poor.