Thursday, February 28, 2013

If We Raise Taxes With Cuts In Spending, Then Our Money Will Go Further

President Obama’s idea of raising minimum wage has to be the dumbest of his career. Money isn’t all that straight forward. We need sense with money, and that does not come by merely putting more money in peoples’ hands. It is just not that easy. That is how the game Monopoly or the board game Life works, and they are totally not realistic compared to reality where inflation is a huge issue. Our money can only be worth more if we spend it wisely. I am positively fed up with the same old same old, spins your wheels in the mud government. The truth is both sides need to put cuts and raising taxes on the table and stop finger pointing at the side that won't do the other. With talk of hope, obviously there is very little hope with President Obama in office. He has not proven powerful enough to motivate folks, or get them together and talk reasonably. Therefore, looking forward to the next term, already, I hope Hillary Clinton or Deval Patrick runs for President. I like Deval because I think we belong to the best state in the union, MA, and Deval has had to accomplish that without running any debt or deficits, as state government forbids that we go into the negative.

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