Thursday, February 9, 2012

Putting Those Charcoal Grill Ashes to Work in Order to Save Money

When I was a wee little boy, my dad would often grill burgers, steaks, chicken, and other things outside on a charcoal grill. My dad is often old fashioned. He is the type of guy that won’t usually buy charcoal that lights instantly. He buys the charcoal and the lighter fluid separately. Because it is not a gas grill, the ashes collect below the grill. My parents were also lucky enough to have a property were they could have a garden. However, the soil on Cape Cod is not that great. So, instead of buying loam, fertilizer, or something else, my dad did it the inexpensive way. And, it is not only the most inexpensive way; it is also the best way. Dad saved the ashes and would spread them over the garden. This helped us to grow fresh vegetables. That is we used natural charcoal ashes as a fertilizer.
There are several ways that this saves money.
1. Having a garden saves money over buying produce at a local grocery store.
2. You don’t have to buy fertilizer.
3. You don’t have to buy gardening soil.
4. If you don’t throw out ashes at the dump, you don’t have to pay to throw out ashes as the dump (In our town, we pay to get rid of trash. A thirty gallon bag costs $1.25.)
5. You are being ecologically friendly, by making top soil that future generations can use.
6. Charcoal grills are usually much less expensive to buy than gas grills.
7. Lugging around charcoal and ashes is good exercise, which should result in fewer visits to the doctor, but watch your back.

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