Thursday, March 8, 2012

Piggy Banks Are Not Just for Kids!

I remember when I was a child, I had a piggy bank.  I would put whatever change that came my way into to it.  It was before the time of Coinstar.  Mom would drive me to the bank and I would get wraps, fill them with money, and then return the wraps to the bank often depositing my money in the bank.  I have also had a savings account for as long as I can remember.  Probably, as a child, my piggy bank wasn’t as meaningful as it has been as an adult.  It was actually my wife that brought back the piggy bank idea to my life.  I had learned to save money, but I wasn’t very careful with my change.  I have since changed and now find the treatment of currency to be very important.  That piggy bank our family has is often the reason why we can eat out at a local restaurant, instead of fast food.  Generally, we wait until there is $35 in the piggy bank and cash it in.
So, why is this important to you?  It is most certainly because many people are house-poor, meaning that they bought a house that they could not afford, and now the lion’s share of their finances end up going into their house, such that there is no extra money for fun stuff.  Everyone needs to at least a little fun in their life!  Having a piggy bank is one way to put a little extra money for fun back into your life.  Really!  If you have a piggy bank, you will may relearn a childhood lesson, “Pennies make dollars.”  Though, saving dollars might be difficult, if you put your change into a piggy bank, eventually you will probably be able to have enough money to eat out with it.  With almost every transaction you make, there is usually some change that the cashier winds up giving to you, and I suggest that much of this should wind up into your piggy bank, saving it for a date.

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