Saturday, April 14, 2012

Wireless Internet and Cell Phones

Dear AT&T,
It would seem that AT&T is capable of providing internet for laptops through its cell phone service for some time now.
At Dunkin’ Donuts, there is no available  “WiFi” signal, but I am able to connect to the internet through my Samsung cell phone, yet not my laptop.  That seems somewhat absurd.
My laptop was with me, so if I could make my phone communicate with my laptop, that would be ideal.  For example, I would have a larger screen that could have more words available for immediate viewing instead of spending so much time scrolling on the Samsung and a full size keyboard.  Don’t get me wrong, my Samsung is ideal for many situations.  It is just that I want to make it possible to also have it communicate with my laptop, which is an Acer Aspire 4370Z, which you should know already know.  I have had my Samsung phone for a few years now, so I am a happy Samsung phone owner.  Is there any way to make cell phone internet purchased through AT&T connectable to my laptop, which has WiFi?  For example, could I make my phone transmit a wireless signal to my laptop?  Or, if this is already happening, is there a way to make it viewable?  For example, if my phone is able to connect to the internet, why is it not able to transmit data to my laptop?  Also, I prefer the 100MB package because I am more interested in words than pictures, so I would be interested in attaining a good browser that would keep data flow to a minimum.  For example, minimal data flow helps keep out things like viruses, and pictures can be deceptive.  I would also be interested in the possibility of keeping internet data quarantined from the rest of my hard drive.  If I could run an AT&T type/ready browser  on Microsoft Windows, that would be ideal.

Craig Hamiltonw

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