Thursday, November 8, 2012

USA’s Financial Problems:The Fiscal Cliff and the Debt Ceiling 2012

The people that know money also know why we are having such a rotten day according to the stock market. Most people could care less about that.  Don’t pay attention to the stock market.  It is controlled by insider training.  Yesterday it went down, but that is only temporary because stock traders live to count money and making bubbles is one way they get to count more of it.

However, there is more to this story: The value of the dollar has also plummeted for the same reason.  This is something to be concerned about.  People should definitely care about the devaluation of the dollar because it means that prices are going to go.  Likewise, we haven’t seen any increase in wages, so we should not expect that our employers will compensate us for the ailing dollar.

There are other ways that the USA will struggle.  Each time the debt ceiling is raised, it will cause panic until one day the government creditors stop giving credit.  If nothing is done at this fiscal cliff, the next one will be twice as bad!  Putting of the problem is as the USA may be compared to an alcoholic, spending itself into oblivion.  Every time we put off our troubles, they not only get worse; they multiply.  The next time the USA credit is downgraded, look at yourself as a voter.  If we don't go over the fiscal cliff and fall, this type of cliff only gets bigger and bigger. Better not to dig ourselves further in by raising the debt ceiling.

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