Monday, May 28, 2018

Global Malnutrition Solved

There is hardly a place on the planet that has not affected with malnutrition, such that malnutrition is a global concern, including America. This is a problem that needs to be addressed, because having healthy bodies is important. This should be treated as a drug epidemic, as it is a reason that I believe is one of the causes to the USA being left behind among the first world nations.

The resources are available to the USA, and many other countries to harvest, but it will require smart implementation, and probably the only corporation that will implement a solution would be government.

So, how do we do this? On a massive scale, we should harvest the soil debris of the ocean floor,

and then make farms from that soil.

dump the soil on preexistent farms,

and richly cover parts of deserts, making them farmland with rich soil, budgeting it such that there are still plenty of desert habitats.

I prefer to do this sooner, rather than later in the USA, because I prefer food that is rich in nutrients. Who knows, maybe if people get nutritious food it may help control diseases such as depression;0

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