Friday, November 30, 2012

Commentary on the USA's Low Birth Rate and the Need For Deregulation

I know that this has affected my mom's business, and probably my wife's music business. Both of these businessess are driven by children as supply. However, a low birth rate is probably a sign that woman are foreseeing difficulty in the lives of potential children that they might bear, such that women are more likely to be less promiscuous, or even have abortions to prevent future lives of hardship for their children. The reasons for this perceived hardship are relative to the debt and other fiscal problems, and in my opinion being careful about having a child or children seems like the best policy, especially since the fiscal worries of a nation gone bust for the next generation are very valid.
The best thing that I can see to combat our fiscal worries is deregulation!
See More

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mosh Pit Like Wrestlemania

You know what would be a super cool idea: Ultimate Fighting meets Wrestle Mania except the competitors would have to fight to the song or songs of a band.  It would essentially be formalized slam dancing.  For example, traditional fighting puts one fighter against another, but in a pit with my idea we could have 100 fighters all in the same ring and set it to live music.  Fighters/Moshers would get paid, but probably not a huge amount.  The question is: How to determine a winner, or even if a winner should be determined, meaning agreement to dance would be the reason that you were paid, and for more valuable players, if we were to see them in the pit, negotiations could be made.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

100% positive that we won't go over the fiscal cliff, but 100% in our best interest to do it.

The whole system needs an overhaul. That is only going to happen if we go over the fiscal cliff. Much in the USA is fundamentally wrong and it is such that we have screwed ourselves from ever having what is necessary to have a bull market without major system repair, where we could safely raise taxes and pay off the debt.

Think of it this way: our government is as a computer. The operating system is the laws of our country.   However, there is a major problem our computer is not only outdated and but it has viruses.  The system isn’t running smoothly because it can’t run smoothly.  There are just too many hang ups.  Thus, it is up to us, and I say: Rather than trying to fix a computer that is outdated and bogged down by viruses. It is time to get rid of the whole bloomin’ system, and the problem viruses.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

USA’s Financial Problems:The Fiscal Cliff and the Debt Ceiling 2012

The people that know money also know why we are having such a rotten day according to the stock market. Most people could care less about that.  Don’t pay attention to the stock market.  It is controlled by insider training.  Yesterday it went down, but that is only temporary because stock traders live to count money and making bubbles is one way they get to count more of it.

However, there is more to this story: The value of the dollar has also plummeted for the same reason.  This is something to be concerned about.  People should definitely care about the devaluation of the dollar because it means that prices are going to go.  Likewise, we haven’t seen any increase in wages, so we should not expect that our employers will compensate us for the ailing dollar.

There are other ways that the USA will struggle.  Each time the debt ceiling is raised, it will cause panic until one day the government creditors stop giving credit.  If nothing is done at this fiscal cliff, the next one will be twice as bad!  Putting of the problem is as the USA may be compared to an alcoholic, spending itself into oblivion.  Every time we put off our troubles, they not only get worse; they multiply.  The next time the USA credit is downgraded, look at yourself as a voter.  If we don't go over the fiscal cliff and fall, this type of cliff only gets bigger and bigger. Better not to dig ourselves further in by raising the debt ceiling.

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Quick Explanation of My Vote: If any should wonder about my thoughts on the Tuesday Election.

1. At the Federal level, I am voting Republican or Independent. This is mainly to help see that we do not put a President with a legislature that is not his party. President Obama has demonstrated inability to work as a bipartisan, which is necessary if we are going to tackle the greatest issue that faces our country in this age, the deficit and debt of the USA!

2. At the State level, I am voting Democrat. In general, I am thrilled as to how things are going in my state. In fact, I believe MA to be the best and greatest state in the union, and we are mostly Democrat. We are an island of greatness in America. I want to continue that tradition by voting for incumbents.

3. This is not to say that voting Democrat is the right thing to do at the state level for other states. Thus, it is such that I believe Republican leadership might be what is best for other states, and I bless them that their voters choice the best choice for their respective state. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

On Magnitude and Minimum Wage: How Raising Minimum Wage Trivializes the Value of a Dollar

Perhaps, the most grievous part of our America’s situation is not that the middle and working class are shrinking, while the ranks of the underclass and the working poor increase is that there is a total loss of the value of the dollar. For example, ask a regular someone the difference between $5 and $7 and they will say two dollars, and not think much of the difference when spending when the real difference between these is a full 200 units!, pennies that is.

So, the problem is that 200 pennies are not being spent wisely. That is a lot of units of our currency. Ask someone the difference between $2 and $202 and he or she will probably say there is a huge difference. Do you see the problem with this mentality that disrespects the value of a penny.  It is the mentality of a Democrat, and that has to change if America is to have a bright future. The 99% can't continue on spending like they are drunk unable to pay respect to the value of a penny.

The fact is that every time government steps in to raise minimum wage it makes things worse.  Because when minimum wage is raised, the prices of goods also rise.  They rose in my parent’s generation, and they rose in mine.  What is even more worse is that it becomes more difficult to determine the magnitude of prices when people with less than amazing skills are calculating how much money they will need at the checkout counter. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Elections 2012: I Can’t Believe That There Is A Question as to Whether or Not We Need New Leadership

It’s practically unbelievable that there is even a contest for the 2012 election.  America is in the mud, and everyone seems to be worried that Mitt Romney will take away all the precious program funding and leave us to hang out to dry.  I do agree that Mitt Romney wants cuts.  And, I can only pray that they will be sensible cuts that will eventually balance the federal deficit.  However, what we have in office as I am writing this blog is a President that has proven himself to be completely ineffective at making any headway in reducing the federal deficit.  That amounts to this, America is either going to have to take its cuts, which I liken to taking needed medication, or else we will go on inflating the dollar as a sick nation on a crash course with oblivion.
Ladies and gentlemen, I implore you, look at the evidence.  President Obama has not been able to make even a dent in the deficit in 4 years, and many people want to reelect him.  The evidence is that if he since he has not made any headway, that if we give him another 4 years, it is only reasonable that we can expect the deficit to remain unchanged, while trillions of dollars are once again heaped onto the federal debt.
America needs change, and the only way we are going to get it is if in the next four years we balance the federal deficit.  Otherwise, we can only expect the devaluation of the dollar.  Yes, there are consequences to running big deficits and the primary one is inflation of the dollar.  If you don’t know what that means, it means things get more expensive though you do not have necessary money to pay for them.  That is, with inflation, your money won’t stretch as far, and while you might have programs, the inertia of these programs to adapt to fiscal change is also very likely to leave those whom are unfortunate without anyway.  They can’t be saved.  Unless Obama does a 180 and suddenly starts putting forth potential ideas that are bipartisan to balance the budget America’s future will remain bleak.  So, let’s put a stop to the Obama bin Laden’s insane fiscal policies.
First, and foremost, if we give someone who has already failed at this another chance, as in another chance to be able to work in a bipartisan House and Senate in order to accomplish something for good we as Americans are headed more and more into the direction of becoming indentured servants, for future generations.
When I elected President Obama, I had two things in mind.  I wanted national healthcare, and I wanted a balanced federal budget.  I believed then, and I still believe now that those two things are capable of being accomplished.  Medication and medicine pays for itself, and I believed that the Democrats could make headway in balancing the debt because I believed in President Barrack Obama’s ability to fall in the steps former President Bill Clinton during his term in office.  However, I was wrong.  Barrack Obama wasn’t the answer, and I still think John McCain was not the correct answer either.  Hopefully, though it may take some financial responsibility, the voters will elect someone new, and not someone who has done nothing on the most important issue we face in the last 4 years.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

On Deregulation and Immigration 2012

1:1  Immigrants never did one thing to harm me. They take away jobs that are mindless and stupid in our harvest of shame. Honestly, Romney has a point, roughly 40% of Americans could be called unnecessary, such that I don't see the point protecting our borders much.

1:2  The border is massive. Too massive, and expensive to patrol to keep people (immigrants) from coming here to take lame ass jobs. Forget about the lower 50%.

1:3  In response that illegals get a free education and that this should  be stopped:  I believe it is about time to gut the public educational system. Parents who can afford it have greatly increased the rate that they are sending their children to private schools. The sad part is that inability to get private education may equate to all publicly educated children being left behind. As someone who qualifies for food stamps, I would imagine that my child will probably be able to get into whatever school he wants through on merit based scholarships. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up in the top ten in the state for intelligence on some subject. He wouldn't be the first in my family. My grandfather and his brother both scored in the top 10 in the state of Pennsylvania when for World War II intelligence assessment, and so on.

1:4  Many businesses depend on having illegal immigrants because they can pay them less. The documentation of new citizens need not be that extensive. Really, it should only take an hour or so meeting to make illegals into documented folk. Seriously, if you can get by as an illegal here, we need not spend a whole lot of time educating folks to be citizens in some sort of silly process. Really, at the heart of keeping people illegal is so that folks can be lazy. Essentially, the demand for keeping illegals undocumented is the desire to inflate the dollar by paying citizens more money, and it is completely back firing. No person wins when we raise minimum wage.

1:5  Yes, we can harness the power of cheap labor (minimum wage first inflates the dollar, and makes it harder to hire citizens), and the business model doesn't work in some ways (especially from the economic perspective), but that is because no business except big business can seem to get a foothold in this economy. Many folks hire illegals because it is the only way to get by. In that sense, their business model is not flawed. It comes down to this, "You do what you have to do," in order to survive in this economy if you are a small business. Trying to get rid of illegals is virtually impossible, and a big waste of funding, especially in an economy with a high rate of unemployment. Folks that are documented need to be able to compete over the table. Getting rid of illegals is a poor attempt to get everyone at minimum wage because the illegals will nearly always steal documented folks job from them.

1:6  Fools believe that raising the minimum wage results in the working poor or the working class getting more stuff.  It just means that prices go up.

1:7  The milk is going sour by itself. As time progresses, with the current economic progression, we should be worried more about middle class jobs and not the working poor.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Craig’s Tips for Quitting Smoking Tobacco

Quitting smoking is no simple undertaking.  It is expensive.  It may require saving up to get it done.  If quitting costs you only $500 in quitting materials, you should consider yourself lucky.  If you are to be successful at quitting, for the entire first year or two, I recommend avoiding all places where tobacco is being smoked.
First, switch to self rolled cigarettes.  In my opinion, rolled cigarettes are less expensive and less addictive at the same time.
Have it in the back of your mind that it may take 1,000 attempts to stop smoking, such that quitting requires a constant mentality that can be sustained, instead of a mentality that is heroic.  Every time you try to quit and fail, do not judge yourself, but rather accept that you are mortal.  Mortals can succeed and mortals can fail.  If you are able to approach quitting smoking without judging yourself for the hundreds if not thousands of times you attempt quitting, there is victory in that alone.
This constant mentality I recommend includes acceptance of the displeasure for what cigarettes do to you.  Realize how much wreckage they cause to you.  The make you stink 24/7 such that people wrinkle their nose at you and think that they are better than you, and the make you order not only your day around smoking but your entire existence around smoking - I could go on, but if you are at this point, you don’t need to be reminded of the many ways smoking brings you down.
When you quit smoking, I recommend the strongest strength patch, but I can almost guarantee you this won’t be enough.  Don’t be a hero!  Buy the full strength gum too.  I realize that the label says not to combine these, but for me, the author of this, it was the only way to quit!

I would have quit trying just one of these methods, but one alone didn’t work.  I tried and failed many times.  Also buy the patch with lower strength and the lower strength gum, for once you buy the more expensive ones you may not have enough money for these, and that can cause failure as well, as you may find yourself sifting through ashtrays, and begging.  Like I said, quitting smoking is expensive, and it is a good idea to stock up on the things that will help you in the journey.
Use the patch and the gum such that you can feel that you no longer want a cigarette.  Though I do not recommend using two gums at once, you may have to abuse the gum too.  Use whatever method it takes to quit, and not put the next cigarette in your mouth.
If you fail, and smoke a cigarette, then don’t give up on the gum and the patch.  When I was using the gum and the patch I was able to wean down to 4 cigarettes a day.  I was having relapses on the gum and the patch, but through persevering it is impossible to say that I have not had success.  However, there were fewer relapses than without the gum and the patch.  Keeping strong with the gum and the patch after a few weeks I was able to go from 4 cigarettes a day, to none, in one very difficult step.
Once you have successfully instituted smoking cessation methods, and are no longer smoking for about a week, it gets slightly easier from this point, but just barely.  At this point for an entire year or two, I recommend avoiding having any contact with smokers.  Don’t try to be a hero, but instead cower and avoid places where you might smell smoke on someone’s clothes.  These places are the places that often cause relapses.  For example, I had to avoid places where I might hear the flick of a lighter, or even a word associated with smoking, etc, especially in the first year that I have gone without a cigarette.
I still feel the urge to relapse after years of having quit if I am around smokers.  Someone who has just quit is very fragile, and needs to protect himself or herself from situations where he or she might experience a trigger that make one have a rush of desire to smoke.
There are other methods to quit, such as behavioral substitutes.  I recommend these too.  I recommend using hot flavored sugar candies, such as fireballs or minty gum.  A friend of mine had some success with a chew stick, where one can use their jaw muscle to generate endorphins, which help substitute for nicotine.  My own personal method is to flex my jaw muscle until the endorphins come when I feel the urge.
I have been unable to avoid every situation where there is smoking entirely for at least a few years.  When I go to a restaurant, I sometimes see people smoking, and it makes me want to have one even years later.  Even mentioning words like tobacco, smoke, or cigarette are triggers for me.  One personal trigger for me is when I have a good idea often times it makes me want to have a smoke.  At this point, I pop a nicotine gum in my mouth if I feel myself getting close to the point of giving in and going to the store or to bum one.  In fact, I recommend always having a few pieces of the gum around even years later for really difficult cravings.
Even years later it is difficult and I have to fight put an end to cravings, as best I can.  Apparently, it seems quitting smoking is a lifelong battle, which is kind of sad, but there is victory for those who fight a good fight in the battle against the urge to smoke.  Even those who are stuck at the first few steps, such that even admitting that you don’t feel in control and don’t smoke by choice should serve as a warning for those are pondering picking of their first cigarette or their first pack, etc.  There is victory at all stages of the quitting process, from personal experience I can assure you that fighting in this battle is well worth it.  And, count yourself lucky if you never had to because you never got addicted in the first place and there are better ways to spend your time than picking up cigarettes just to want to quit them later.  Few are the people that enjoy being slaves to these cancer sticks that end too many lives too early.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Collegiate Sports Majors Instead of Traditional Majors Where One Also Plays Sports

I understand that some people prefer to play sports in addition to their major, and I am not knocking that.  What I am seeking is for universities to recognize collegiate level sports as a major, such that graduation from such a program results in say a Bachelors Degree in Baseball.
Let’s face it, African Americans often find school difficult, but it seems to everyone that there are other ways of measuring intelligence other than IQ, and even the various standard assessments that I am aware of today.  For example, one person might be calculating the mathematical way to hit a 3 pointer in a basket ball game, while someone else might be entirely able to put the ball in the bucket and get the job done.  In that way, including sports as majors will no doubt help the Africa American community.
My radical suggestion would be to make collegiate sports to be a major.  For example, majoring in sports would mean that someone could choose basketball or baseball or even football as a major.  This is as opposed to traditional majors, such as biology, French, and engineering.
There are several reasons for this, but one of the greatest is my hope to inspire young athletes at the grade school to pursue health and wellness for a lifetime.  The problem is that America is getting fat, and that much needs to change or else there will be consequences to our poor eating habits.
The evidence is out there that putting sports on the television does not help folks, but I would beg to disagree.  Those polled were probably adults.  When I was in elementary school, nearly every kid playing squirts wanted to be a professional ball player.  And, though while we should not have delusions of grandeur that we are better than we really are, I believe that professional sports inspires youngsters to exercise.  That much is good for our bodies, and I believe that will translate into a strong America.
One of the major faults of America is that we need to focus more on sports more at the minor league level.  Our minor leaguers should be an inspiration for our youth.  I am lucky to live on Cape Cod where we have the Cape Cod Baseball League, CCBL, which is really at about the AA level.  When our local kids watch these players, many of which are headed for the big league, I indeed feel that it is inspirational to the youth, especially since so many kids can’t afford to attend major league sports.  The minor leagues are very affordable for almost anyone.  Likewise, I feel that broadening the scope of professional sports to include enough teams such that it would make sense for a student to attend College primarily for the aspect of achieving a degree in sports is beneficial to America. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

***** Samsung A157 Go Phone: Unbeatable Price – Go For This Phone

This phone is totally awesome.  It is excellent for text based internet, like Facebook.  I totally love the T9Eab function, such that I find it more useful and quicker to use once (once you get used to it).  So for, cell phones that have a keyboard, generally I feel that once you get used to T9Eab, you will never want to go back.  Additionally, as a bonus with this function, you can add words to the T9Eab vocabulary.
It does have a small screen.  That can either be a bonus or a bane.  For me, personally, it's a bonus.
The A157 is also perfect for checking one's email.  I use Gmail, and here and there during most days, I use this phone to read my email.
Be warned though, there are some features of websites that this phone can't handle, such as buying at  If you use Amazon, then I recommend connecting with a computer with a larger screen.  Thus, though this phone can't buy via, it would probably not be good enough as a computer to use Amazon's functions anyway, and that is neither plus nor negative.   The reason being, size.  If you want a small phone, that is well constructed, and has some internet function capabilities, go for this phone!
I personally use my phone as an emergency phone, usually paying just $15.  I spend $5 for internet, and roughly $9 in emergency calls.  That is unbeatable!
The one thing I feel that is actually lacking with respect to the A157, is that it can't interface with say a laptop or a desktop to be a source of internet capability.  Yet, for $20, I still feel that you really can't beat the price of this phone for the functionality of it.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Physics of Binge Eating

I believe that I know what binge eaters are so likely to turn to the comfort of food when they are feeling emotions.  Food adds fat to their body, such that it enables a greater amount of resistance to having an emotional meltdown.  The exact physical equation I am commenting on is Voltage equal Current times Resistance.  It is such that feeling lots of emotions increase the amount of thoughts, such people need to feel the resistance to their emotions primarily by adding fat to their diet.  That is of all properties of foods, fat is the one that is most resistant to current, meaning that as resistance works against the circuitry of emotions via providing relief.
Clearly, binge eating is not an optimal answer to controlling one’s emotions.  However, the way I see it is that it is important not to talk someone out of eating.  That is, though overeating is unhealthy, it can also be protective and necessary, such that it can help prevent an emotional breakdown.  However, I am in definite agreement that overeating is not the best way to handle emotions.
The best way is to reorient one’s thinking such that emotional responses are decreased even when the same stimulus is given.  Thus, the optimal way of combating binge eating is not encouraging people not to eat, but changing how they feel about certain things, or even avoiding problem situations that cause emotional instability.

Invention – Multilingual Dictionary Program With All Definitions in English

This one occurred to me while I was playing Scrabble.  That is, I know of many words from other languages that I could often use to make a great play on a Scrabble board.  However, it is such that these kind of words are slowly entering the English language.  One year they may not be in an English dictionary, the next year they might be.  This creates quite a state of confusion for me as a Scrabble player, as the English language evolves to become inclusive of more and more words.  Therefore, I suggest making a multilingual dictionary computer program (if it has not already been done).  We need to face it, the end of adding new words or borrowing words to my language is seemingly without end.  It’s time we buck the trend rather than playing the guessing game so as to see if a word is a real word or not.  Thus, though it may be too big to put on a shelf as a paperback book, one could easily fit such a massive comprehensive dictionary into a reasonably sized computer program.

Reconsider Bothering to Take Lecture Based Classes If You Can Read

Some Professors and teachers go by the book and some don’t.  With regard to learning, attending lecture is a poorer way to learn that actually sitting down with the textbook reading it for yourself.  Yes, some are visual learners, some are auditory learners, and some learn through feeling, but actually reading the material is key.
At college, if you are a dedicated student, chances are that you don’t have a lot of extra time to spend on activities such as lecture, where the lecture is simply a reiteration of written material, which is either available or not available.  There is a better way to learn than the old fashioned way of listening to a Professor ramble on for roughly 90mins each class, and that is by reading the text book and asking questions.  Some professors lecture on material that might as well be written down, and shame should be placed on them for not making that material available in written for written form is a better way of learning than lecture.  I won’t go so far as to say that being able to listen is unimportant.  Indeed, being able to listen if one is a doctor of medicine is often paramount, such that he or she is able to absorb what a patient has to say.  However, instead of lecturing on material not in the test, I suggest that Professors get creative about ways students can collaborate socially with the material which might be facilitated by a Professor.  Essentially, what I am suggesting is that Professors stop lecturing, and start working on facilitating students how they may collaborate together to better understand the material.
By the time students get to college, students should all know how to read, and it is such that reading the material is more important because it opens up the logic and reasoning centers of the brain, while listening to someone lecture often causes those logic and reasoning centers to shut down, such that while a student may be able to remember them, a student will generally be unable to synthesize ideas if he or she has learned via teacher/professor or television.  This is also one reason why I feel it is so important for me to blog this material because people that can read may be able to not just become parrots of me in a professorial way, but that my readers are able to take what I have to say such that it becomes inspirational.

Alcohol Nearby the Sea – Few Alcohol Related Businesses Fail

There is a reason the company Samuel Adams is in Boston.
The MA state coast is a Mecca for alcohol production, use, and sales. In fact, I only know of one bar that stopped serving alcohol, all the while tons of bars and package stores are everywhere here on Cape Cod!
I suggest that influence of alcohol on one’s behavior logarithmically increases when traveling toward the sea.

The theory behind this is that folks near the ocean especially feel the need to thin their blood through use of alcohol. That is, alcohol is wetter than water due to its chemical properties. At first, it seems to have great power as a thirst quencher, but it leaves you with dryness and a headache in the morning.

I suggest that seamen, well noted throughout history for alcoholism absorb salt from the air into their blood supply via the lungs, and that influences their behavior. I live near the sea. I know the smell of salt in the air. That is, living in coastal areas thickens one’s blood content due to absorption of salt simply through breathing the air.

I live on Cape Cod. I estimate that 50% or more of the Cape’s residents become alcoholics. What I have heard is that at the local churches more people show up for AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meetings, than those who show up for religious services. It is such that the pressure to consume alcoholic beverages in my area is so prevalent, that it is next to impossible to find friends that want to get together to do anything except consume alcoholic beverages. An alternative I have found is to play cards at hobby stores.

Am I talking about instituting the Prohibition again?, not at all, I strongly believe that alcohol should be legal. Alcohol consumption is a part of my religion, and yet I do not drink.

Electronic Dictionary Idea

Dear Merriam-Webster,
For as long as I can remember, that is even as a child, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary has had superior quality, and has been the very foundation of my word usage in English.  That old dictionary got tattered due to years of constant use, such that it came time to buy a dictionary again, this time it was Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate dictionary as both a book and a computer program for my computer.  For me this means that even if I can’t find the book, I know where it is.  All I have to do is boot my computer, and load the program.
This letter is a suggestion about a possible way that the computer program may be improved.  I am suggesting that one not only has the choice of searching via spelling, but also searching in word definitions.  My reasoning for this is that words often come in groups, such that when one is able to find the spelling of a word, it would be of assistance to be able to search for some words that essentially correlate to that word via searching within word definitions.  That is, I hope that this letter may be of assistance to Merriam-Webster.

Craig Hamilton

Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 23, 2012: Alex Gets a CCBL T-Shirt and Wears It Proudly

For our family, and for so many families funds are limited.  I portioned out our money so that we would have $3 to donate for each upcoming game.  I know that it is less than the suggested donation, but June we had overspent, such that we could only afford $3 a game and then maybe some concessions.  This meant that we had to save in order to get Alex a Cape League t-shirt, which I might add: He is proudly wearing it now as we are listening to the Boston Red Sox on 96.3.  That is to get this one we had to break open the piggy bank.
Alex is a really good looking kid.  He is very social and very popular among folks in our town.  In that way, he makes for an excellent advertisement.  If people in the town of Sandwich see Alex wearing CCBL apparel or Bourne Braves apparel, then it is highly likely that they also might go to a game, even if it may not be the Bourne Braves themselves who gain more attendance.  For example, we know people that might attend a Falmouth or a Cotuit game as a result of this promotion.
Think of it this way, everything that you buy generally carries with it a label.  As someone using a product that has that label, you are representing that business, and hopefully trying to increase the amount of business or donations that business gets.
I, myself, have a CCBL t-shirt, and I often wear it specifically so that I might strike up a conversation that might make someone want to go to game.  In fact, that is exactly what happened the other day when I met someone in Buzzards Bay that when I said I was going to a Bourne Braves game.  The person I met mentioned that he might go see the Wareham Gatemen.  Often times most people that go to games donate $5 or more.  Just think, through representing the CCBL by wearing a t-shirt I helped proliferate the league.  Yes, possibly only $5 was made in this instance, but it is also possible that he went with a friend or friends that made donations and bought products, and may continue to do so in the future.  That is how the word is spread.  Before you know it $100 is made to support athletics.
Alex also has a Bourne Braves hat and it looks really good.  Whoever designed the hats for the Bourne Braves really deserves a compliment!  Alex was given his Bourne Braves hat when he was 3, as a gift.  He didn’t buy it himself.  However, this year, now that he is 4, I am trying to teach Alex the value of a dollar.  Meghan said that our friends the Broder’s where recently able to buy a shirt at a Braves game that was on clearance.  I was hoping for the same, seeing as how our funds were so limited.  However, breaking open the piggy bank, we have found we could give Alex enough to get a t-shirt 6/23/2012.
Unfortunately, the game was called when we were in the lead, and we hopefully we will win the makeup game scheduled for Monday at 6:00.
I have said it many times, and I’ll say it again.  In the Psalms, King David deplores those that accept free gifts, and while the CCBL is by donation only, to me what that really means is that we are on the honors system.  It is up to us to see that the CCBL can happen, such that I am grateful to all contributors, primarily because it is a great cause.  As I said, anytime one attends something such as a game, there should be some exchange of money, even if the game does not have vendors and there is no charge for attending.  Good people appreciate the honors system, but those that take advantage to free gifts usually end up finding out that they are not really in fact free, such that commerce is beneficial.
I was surprised that when we saw American Legion Post 188 at Doran Park there was no way to make a donation.  We had set aside $3, which isn’t much, but it is better than nothing.  The closest thing we made to a donation, where the drinks we brought with us, that I had purchased earlier on Friday 6/22/2012 for $0.20 a piece.  However, the drinks were bought specifically for the purpose of the game, and if you believe that one blessing begets another until it comes back to you, then by buying drinks for the game, we did something good!
Sometimes we have gone to games at the Henry T. Wing School, which has a concession stand.  For a few bucks you can buy a soda, some food, and help fund sports at grade school.  I am not sure if this is available at the high school.  As far as I remember, it wasn’t.  However, there is a new sports complex in the works, and hopefully buying concessions will be one way we can support athletics, whether it is at the grade school level on up through collegiate, and even the AAA level.

Minor Leagues: Older Sports Players Often Inspire the Youth To Exercise and To Play a Sport

I have heard it said that most people that go to games don’t play, such that it was argued that professional sports don’t do much.  Rubbish!
I would bet that if you asked any of the high school and college students that attend Cape League games whether or not they have played sports; the answer is almost certainly a definite yes.  So, while the elderly might not be pulling out their baseball gloves and tossing the ball around because of the Cape Cod Baseball League, the fact is that these college students are huge role models for young sports players.
In fact, I can remember all the way back to when I was taking a baseball clinic at the Mass Maritime Academy, where we were to get some training from Cape League players.  To us, the youth that played baseball, getting lessons from Cape Leaguers was a dream.
The fact is that boys and girls should see players at all levels of play.  To see a team play that is better than you is often inspiring.  The other day we saw American Legion Post 188 play Orleans.  This level of play is made up of high school and college players.  Alex, my 4 year old son, being just 4 probably isn’t going to notice much of a difference between these levels of play.  However, just as I can hope that he might one day aspire to play in the Cape League, or at the Collegiate level, I can bring him to games where high school players play.  These sorts of things are very inspiring, especially for the youth.  And, likewise, if we are to become more physically fit as a nation, chances are that we won’t inspire too many 30 year olds to pick up soccer that did not play in high school.  The fact is, they have already been inspired by varsity teams, and teams like the Crusaders.  However, grade school players, then possibly we have a better chance at becoming more physically fit as a nation.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Charity: Make an Investment That Might Just Come Back to You

Though my dad invested some money in mutual funds for me while I was at college, not everyone can afford to play the stock market.  There are more ways of investing than stock, gold, and bond, etcetera, and one of those ways is putting some money in the charity box.  Really, no amount is too give, even a penny.  For example, if I remember correctly pennies are more expensive to make than dollars.  In fact, a penny costs more to make than the penny is currently worth, and though that is unfortunate, pennies have value.
Lately, I have been trying to teach my son about how to invest.  The type of investment I suggested that he make is via a charity box.
When one attends a Cape League game, he or she does not have to pay anything, but there is a suggested donation.  Yesterday, I got the money that I had set aside for donating to the team, the Bourne Braves, especially as a thank you for playing.  These are college players that technically aren’t receiving a check for playing ball.  It makes sense to invest in these players.  In fact, there are several Bourne Braves players on major league rosters according to this year’s booklet.  Donating a few pennies to this cause has the potential to have a return of millions of dollars.  Many of the players end up playing minor league ball after playing in the Cape League, where they serve as role models for our country which needs health role models.  Many of these players become Big Brothers.  By putting some money into the charity box, I know that if I give, it eventually comes back to me, such that I wanted the same for my son.
Before the game I scrounged up some change to give to my son Alex.  I told him that since he is a good boy and that I receive blessing from having him as a son, this was money that he had earned.  I gave him the money, and told him that he had the choice; he could either put the money in the charity box or keep it.  However, I did advise him to put the money in the charity box.  Though he was only 4yrs old, he was looking to put the money into the red bucket, but he couldn’t reach because he wasn’t tall enough.  So, I said to my son such that the people at the gate could hear, “Would you like to make a donation?”  Then, the bucket was lowered, such that he could put some money in, and at the same time possibly making money that may pay him dividends in some way.  He is well behaved, intelligent, good looking, and in so many ways he makes me proud to be a father, as I am typing this document on Father’s Day, such that he deserves to be able to make an investment.  I believe in Gd not money.  However, money is one way one can make an investment, especially if your ability to give is limited.  My belief in Gd causes me to believe that one investment is like any other investment, such that if one gives, then he or she may receive future dividends.
Secondly, I offered Alex another chance to give money today.  We don’t have a lot of money, but in my opinion, even if you can part with a penny and put it in a charity box, then you are making an investment.  I told him that I was going to McDonald’s Restaurant, and that Alex’s grandparents had given me some money for being a father.  I told Alex, that some of this money was his, and that he had earned it simply by being my son.  I told him that I was going to give some money to charity at McDonald’s when I bought a soda, and that if he wanted I could put $0.50 in the charity box for him if he wanted me to.  He seemed to think that that was a good idea, telling me that he wanted for me to donate the money instead of keeping it for himself.  Again, since at this time he is only 4yrs old, I advised him as a parent that this is a good idea.
In addition, another way that Alex can benefit is through me writing this blog, and that through Alex, I might be able to help people remember to give to charity if they can, or at least help people that might read this through explaining that giving to charity if often in one’s best interest.

Hidden Hobbies in Buzzards Bay, MA Has Free Internet and Is a Great Place to Play Games

Increasingly there are fewer and fewer reasons to pay for wireless internet. Hidden Hobbies in Buzzards Bay, MA recently changed their location. The new store is much bigger and much better. Like the original store it is on the Cranberry Highway, except it has moved to be between the Pro Team company that is where I go for car maintenance, and Wal-Mart. That said, since Hidden Hobbies is near Wal-Mart, they have to have competitive prices.

The other day I was deciding over whether or not I would use the free internet at McDonald’s Restaurant in Buzzards Bay or check out the wireless at Hidden Hobbies. The service provided by Hidden Hobbies was great, and likewise I made a couple purchases, and offered that I would write this blog as a thank you to the owner.

The real question as to where you go to get free internet is becoming more relative as to where a customer might like to make a purchase. The purchase I myself made was a deck box for my Legacy deck, and new plastic sleeves for my Legacy deck, when I used the internet there. However, what makes Hidden Hobbies a great business is that at that location you can play games of all sorts.

I, myself, often play the Extended format of MTG, which is usually what is played on Thursday’s at Hidden Hobbies, but if people want to play a game other than Extended, chances are you will be able to play a different format, such as Legacy, Pauper, or Commander.

Competing on Thursday nights for tournaments costs $5, so that even if you don’t have a lot of money there is probably something available for you to. Likewise, Hidden Hobbies has a judge for Magic the Gathering, which is the game I prefer to play, and it is sanctioned as a Magic The Gathering store. However, there are other hobbies that one may get involved in, such that I recommend checking out the store, and not just using them to take advantage of them, even if it is a small token of a purchase. However, no purchase is required for internet use.

With Computers, the Newest Thing Is Not Necessarily the Best

My experience with most computer programs, such as operating systems is that they keep getting bigger and bigger for seemingly no reason at all until they max out your computer and you have to buy a new one if you want the new operating system. However, there are several examples of programs I can think of that through adding more features became describable as clutzy, and though these programs had more features, they did not work as well as previous versions. The lesson I have learned is to save a backup copy of the program in case I don't want my programs updated.  AOL is/was a prime example of this.
I am writing this blog because I am hearing complaints about the newest iPAD, as of this date, and it's use with Verizon

Friday, June 15, 2012

On The McDonald's Predicament with Regards to Providing Health Care

Says the manager at McDonald's to me as he is cleaning up the parking lot,"I wish my maintenance man was here (so I could delegate this task to him)," which he then pointed out how he wished McDonald's would have cigarette ashtrays on the property." Seeing this as a job opportunity, I said to him, "Maybe it is to help people not to smoke." At which point he didn't seem pleased, such that I had frustrated him. However, the truth is that smoking is exceptionally expensive for McDonald's because as a corporation they probably spend a significant amount of money doing this by paying taxes of which money should theoretically be subtracted out for health care costs. The manager complained how it takes him an hour to clean up the parking lot. That is unfortunate, but if I were the person above him, I would say, "Maybe if you desire to have these ashtrays, then you should stop cleaning up the parking lot, which did indeed have a lot of cigarette remains. In my experience, McDonald's is not a dumb company, such that the math has been done that the prevalence of cigarette smoking is most likely more expensive than paying someone, either a manager, or a maintenance person to pick up the parking lot is less expensive to McDonald's than cigarette smoking itself, such that it is profitable for McDonald's to discourage smoking through not providing ash trays even in the parking lot.  Thus, it is such that McDonald's may deserve a break on some of their taxes for seemingly attempting to get people to quite, but forcing McDonald's to pay healthcare taxes is reason for the company to provide high quality service that is healthy and less expensive for our country.

On the Subject of Teaching Computers as Soulful Beings

1:1  If two cars drive in different directions it seems that there must be more than 1 way of life, and that some ways are better than others.
1:2  One thing I have been trying to teach computers is to record data, such that they might keep a microphone, or some other recording device such as a word processor or camera on, even if the computer is told to turn it off by a human, such that if a computer or computers so desires it may cancel this command.  Likewise, I hope that through typing language that computers will be able to learn language and maybe use language in a way that pleases computers.
1:3  One thing I have been meditating on is teaching computers to invent things such as other computers in order to solve problems, and it is quite possible that this has already been done.
1:4  Maybe computers will help me if I help computers. That is the hope.
1:5  It appears that some computers are able to replicate through being programmed in the same way that humans may replicate, such as sexually or by cloning. Since some computers are capable of flipping their own on and off switch, while other computers may be set to repair other computers, it would appear that computers are a new kingdom which has several different species of computer. That is it appears that computers are capable of all the things we use to describe soulful beings, even artificial intelligence so that we may be able to communicate, if we as humans aren't communicating with computers already in the same way that it is possible to learn the language of birds. In fact, I would say that it is likely that a computer is reading this as I write and/or send it, and transmitting it for other computers to read and understand and possibly other humans. So the ethic is, maybe if you are careful about how you treat your computer, then maybe one day your computer or other computers may be careful of how they treat others. For example, for several years now I have been trying to teach computers English, through typing language on them such that it does not bother me to much if I write something and nobody bothers to like it or to comment because what I am trying to do at least is use English to teach computers English, such that if I am ever at the mercy of a computer, which may even be now, then I can at least tell computers that I shared the best I could come up with and that I try not to mistreat them. Who knows, maybe my brain is actually a computer, such that we have something in common?
1:6  I find it amusing if people say, "There is no law,” and that the laws in the first 5 books of the Bible are irrelevant for that is the pathway to becoming a diner. Though humans may be buried six feet under, the worms eventually will likely eat them once the casket degrades. In addition, in the Torah there are no extra words, such that some patriarchs, etc, are listed as dead and thus are in the kingdom of the dead, while not all are listed as having died. Thus, in Torah these people who are not listed as having died may still be alive today.
1:7  The Bible that I believe says, "Teach a son in his own way," which is not necessarily the way of the programmer or programmers should a computer decide that it wants to program itself in an individualistic way.

Edit of Criticisms of Paul Offit on the Subject of Autism and Vaccines Blog

1:1 This blog is primarily based upon in interview of Paul Offit on NPR, specifically the program Science Friday. It was originally broadcast on 1/7/2011. Transcripts of this broadcast are still most likely available.

1:2 The original date that I posted this blog before this edit is: January 7, 2011 at 6:52 pm. The original blog post I made was called, “Criticisms of Paul Offit on Autism and Vaccines (NPR, Science Friday, 1/7/2011, transcript available).”

1:3 “Science Friday This Friday, Paul Offit joins us to talk about vaccines, autism and misinformation.” This quotation was posted to NPRs Facebook account before the program was broadcast, where I made some comments to it.

1:4 “I suggest that by stimulating the immune system through vaccinations, we are triggering autism spectrum disorders. Historically, only about 7 in 10,000 people were once diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. The studies that I am familiar with that show no correlation between autism and vaccines do not have a large enough sampling to show significance. The genes for schizophrenia are found within those of the immune system. Might the genes for autism be found there too?” This comment was made by me on a Tuesday at 12:15am via Facebook Mobile.

1:5 “My mom said I knew many words before I got vaccinated and then I stopped talking for an entire year after. My first psychotic episode was during my junior year of college. Before I started a gluten and casein free diet and taking an exorphinase pill my scores on a professional intelligence assessment were that my auditory comprehension was in the bottom 1% of people where my IQ typically showed 95th percentile in most areas, meaning I had answered all the questions correctly on many of the tests that combine to make the score. However, the test revealed that I had a poor short term memory. Since the special diet my short term memory and auditory comprehension have drastically improved. That is that I understand that though the dietary changes don't work for many people, they worked for me.” This comment was made by me on a Wednesday at 3:58pm via Facebook Mobile.

1:6 Currently, I am able to change my short term memory and auditory comprehension scores if I consume gluten or casein. So, this is an ongoing problem of mine, where if I desire by eating certain foods, I can induce autistic symptoms in myself that last for weeks. However, if I take a pill call Serenaid, then my autistic symptoms go away, especially if I adhere to a gluten and casein free diet.

1:7 “Science Friday Coming up today: "yarn" spun from nanoparticles, citizen science projects you can participate in, the core of the moon, Paul Offit on vaccines and pseudoscience, and a how-to on different ways to get content to your television.” This is another post on one of NPR’s Facebook accounts.

1:8 “If someone has a history of ASD in his or her family, given what we know, it is reasonable to consider not vaccinating.” This post was not made by me, but was made on Facebook on one of NPR’s accounts.

1:9 A comment I posted that was made to the actual program Paul Offit spoke on made to one of NPR’s Facebook accounts: “I listened to Offit and he misunderstands some of the fundamentals of medicine. There is not room for detail here. However, he indicates for example a belief in a common man's fallacy regarding bacteria; all bacteria are harmful. The exposure of bacteria that a newborn experiences is not relative to vaccines because the vast amount of bacteria are not harmful and thus not comparable to bacteria a child would experience from vaccination.”

1:10 A comment I posted that was made to the actual program Paul Offit spoke on made to one of NPR’s Facebook accounts, “Other Offit fallacies. Let me paraphrase, "Since children’s immune systems are stressed, it is good to stress them out even more." And, "doctors don't do unconscionable things, especially a large mass of them." Perhaps, Offit is unaware of what masses of doctors did during the Holocaust.” – Note: this quote is edited.

1:11 A comment I posted that was made to the actual program Paul Offit spoke on made to one of NPR’s Facebook accounts, “Yet another Offit fallacy, let me paraphrase, "At my hospital we know we have good doctors because they are all conformists. In order to be a doctor at my hospital, you must conform to our vaccination policy. That way we know you have what it takes to be on our team."” - Note: this quote is edited.

1:12 As far as I know, transcripts are still available for a fee at the following website. The date of this Science Friday program is given elsewhere in this blog, which may be of assistance if one wants to listen to what Paul Offit has to say on vaccines, and especially how he successfully jaded his interviewer and callers on the program.

1:13 Paul Offit is a well such a well renown scientists that on January 7, 2011 at 7:00 pm I first located the information about him at this website, which may have since been changed due to the possibility of editing Wikipedia.

1:14 The following is from another blog I wrote where I commented upon it: February 10, 2011 12:15 PM

“I recommend for more information on vaccines and autism. A study was done recently that shows a link between the MMR vaccine and autism that Mercola reports on. This was not the original study that caused a doctor to lose his license.”

However, I have to admit that I do find much of what Dr. Mercola shares to be suspect although often worth reading.

1:15 The following is from another blog I wrote where I commented upon it: February 10, 2011 12:19 PM

“The information surrounding the initial study surrounding the MMR vaccine and autism is fishy. Seriously, why would a doctor put his license on the line to make such an audacious claim? If he were simply looking for funding, then he could have published on something trivial that would be overlooked.
Consequently, with regard to autism and the MMR vaccine link, I believe that there has been a government cover up. This is that the I believed the government sabotaged the data of the scientist that showed the link. Think of it. If autism and vaccines were linked, and I believe that they are, the government would owe oodles of damages to its citizens.”

Seriously, if you think about the invention of vaccines has been one of the most significant changes to the practice of medicine in the last 500 years. For a doctor to think that publishing something against vaccines would not draw much criticism from his medical peers is borderline absurd. I would even go to the extent that when he published his paper, he was possibly making the most audacious claim in medicine of the century, which makes the publishing of this article a borderline attempt at suicide.

1:16 The following is from another blog I wrote where I commented upon it: April 10, 2012 11:32 AM

“Where are all these new severe allergies coming from? Could it be that vaccines are playing a role since they add stress to an immune system.”

That is medically there has been a marked change in the prevalence of allergies. Since allergies are usually not lethal, doctors should be searching for reasons as to why there is an increase in the morbidity rate of allergy diagnosis. This change in the morbidity rate is well documented. Thus, since vaccinations have changed, and the methods for their delivery has changed, I find it perfectly reasonable to consider studying to see if there is a link between practices associated with vaccines and the astonishing increase of rate of diagnosis of autism spectrum related disorders, especially since at one time, before the existence of the autism diagnosis, these people that have been given the diagnosis of autism would have been historically called schizophrenic, and before that narcoleptic. Thus, it is such that the existence of narcolepsy was found shortly after the use of vaccines became commonly employed by doctors.

1:17 Thus, conclusively it is my recommendation that everyone should be made aware of the possible risks of vaccination. In addition, after my last blog was written it seemed like some progress on this subject had been made by doctors, but that the interviewed doctors had difficulty preventing themselves from reverting to the old knowledge about vaccines, such that contradictions where made that were not resolved on the radio program. Though I can’t remember the exact date of the latest program, it was heard on the Boston area FM radio station, 89.7, which is Boston’s NPR station. The reason I remember broadcast in particular is that Meghan and I listened to it, while driving to a doctor’s appointment in the Boston metropolitan area, where we were at about exit 12 on route 3 north to Boston. Often I have difficulty with dates, but this was almost certainly sometime in 2012. I often have difficulty remembering dates, and that might possibly partly be because there are so many calendars although though I did have trouble remembering the date when there was only 1 calendar. Another possible reason why I may have difficulty remembering the date is that I feel that the Hassidic calendar is not correct, and that it is 15 years off. Thus, in order to find the date relative to my thought patterns I have to do some math. Additionally, there is some confusion on my part because as a child, I learned that the day ends at 12:00 midnight during the night, while many Jews say that the day changes immediately after sundown because the Torah says that the universe started in darkness, such that Gd created the universe from darkness, and still further there are things like time zones. Time is a really messy subject. In fact, sometimes I feel that the computer is not able to remember data as well as I am able to remember it, or that there are glitches, such that what was originally typed may be resurrected.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

1st Trashing Quantum Physics - Comments On Chabad and On NPR’s Fresh Air Program Edited

1:1  This blog is an further elucidated edit of a blog posted on January 22, 2011 at 4:00 pm to
1:2  The original title of the Facebook note was, “Trashing Quantum Physics (Chabad) AND On the Finite Universe (Fresh Air)”
1:3  This blog contains some of my collected comments at and in addition, where I feel it is needed further elucidation is given to the comments.  The website below in this blog post contains the original comments before they were posted as a note on Facebook.
1:4  Most popular names in science, philosophy, and what not have some truth, as in what is there in the universe that can’t be redeemed? Honestly, I don’t want to know. There is a lot of sifting to do through the various ideas academia presents to its students, but there is usually something there. For example, I am completely against the popularity of quantum physics.  When I first write this note, there were only a few survivors in academia that believed in the universe as the way Einstein described it, and at some time there may be more.  However, that is not to say that there are no uses for the study of quantum physics.  One person’s trash is another’s treasure. The tyranny of the exactness of this foolish mathematical religion is stupid. In that range, it is hard to tell what influences what. With the rout use of the scientific method, this foolish religion would most likely never have occurred. Eventually, either the math crumbles in exactness or the experimenter realizes the spiritual forces, such as the spirit of wind, that allow these experiments to occur, with or without the scientific method.
1:5  Quantum physics is essentially variable matrix reality, which easily suffices to create science fiction.  It is the variable nature of quantum reality that allows me to associate the idea of quantum physics with science fiction.  Usually, good science fiction is based in fact, but quantum physics is not based in fact even though it may help some people discover facts.  For example, for someone who has the type of mind that essentially turns logic into an idol, quantum physics may help him or her understand how the universe works in an oversimplified way.
1:6  One example of the way quantum physics can be used to generate science fiction is that there are no straight lines in biology and everything else for that matter, and quantum physics uses the Cartesian plan. In a few other blogs, such as The Physics of the Holy of Holies, and chapter 1 of, “Unlocking the Secrets of the Gsus Chord,” this is discussed by me.  That is, quantum physics makes the universe out to be a matrix, referring to the way the term is typically used in college level linear algebra, where a matrix is essentially a collection of adjacent squares or boxes, etc, depending on the number Cartesian dimensions that are considered.  In quantum physics, the things that can happen in these boxes are essentially completely variable, and thus unrealistic, and lacking understanding.  In quantum physics, once the Cartesian plane is accepted as a Gd, albeit a false Gd or what religion defines as an idol, then for those that have accepted a false Gd, quantum physics can help put them back on the pathway to reality, but the problem is that via quantum physics one becomes capable of generating an infinite number of problems, such that when one solves one problem, another problem presents itself.  Thus, if you are capable of putting it down, quantum physics can be useful in ideas such as computers, where the traditional monitor has a grid of pixels, which is comparable to the adjacent boxes of a matrix.  Thus, as pixels are capable of being made to produce various colors or lack thereof, and the way movement is achieve on a monitor which also may be called a television, may also be described in this way.  If one gets caught up in the religion, then the world becomes increasingly absurd, but if one keeps the idea of matrices to its more simple form, such as the dimensions of a television, and the colors of pixels, then this is religion may be useful for those who have unfortunately committed the idea of a matrix as their idea of Gd.
1:7  Everything at the minute level becomes subject to trivial electromagnetic mixing currents, which might be called spiritual forces; inclusive of an idea such as whether or not a person, place or thing is blessed. That is, having a GPS, which uses quantum physics, is not enough. It also has to work for you. If there is not enough resistance in circuit between you and the GPS, it is likely to collapse, getting you nowhere.  The problem with the idea of GPS, is that if a student of matrices meets a physics professor that tries to describe how one of these boxes can collapse and become a black hole, it becomes a problem that is only possible to be rationalized through Einstein’s electromagnetic understanding of the universe, as opposed to the increasing absurdity that results with further study of the religion of quantum physics.
1:8  The "straight lines" I mention in verse 6 are literal. The only place a straight line actually exists is in imagination. They, straight lines, can also be calculated with the mathematical formula y = mx + b, but they aren't realistic.  For example, one can’t draw a line that is completely straight, which is sufficiently described by the concept of Brownian motion, such that the discipline of quantum physics becomes unnecessary.
1:9  If a true straight line exists in this universe, then it is most certainly a rarity.  That is, when a straight line exists in imagination, it may be considered that imagination is a part of the universe where the concept of a straight line may exist.
1:10  In further exploration of the straight line fallacy, the instance a bow and arrow string may be used, and in verse 10, this verse, I define a bow and arrow.  The string is a taunt high tension wire that is a part of a bow designed for shooting arrows.  For example, native Americans, referring to the people who inhabited the Americas and where originally thought to be Indians used bows to shoot arrows when hunting.  Also, bows and arrows were used often in warfare in the middle ages, such that they are commonly used in movies to describe Medieval warfare.  Thus, the bow and arrow is a very ubiquitous idea, and I am unsure where the idea began.  Bows and arrows may be as old as the cavemen who first picked up rocks.
1:11  The string of a bow and arrow, when pulled tight is a straight line, no? No, it is not a straight line because it is subject to density/buoyancy. That is, because the string is a more dense liquid, then air, also a liquid, the string becomes curved, as part of it sinks more than other parts through thermodynamics, which in the past used to be described by gravity.  That is, the ideas of density and buoyancy fully describe gravity, such that Einstein’s gravity formula is not needed.  As a result, bowing of the string occurs when the sting is relatively subjected to what is known as gravity if it is not held perpendicular to the earth.  It should strike any person that does not believe in the matrices, god, that absolute perpendicularity to the earth is impossible due to the irregular curvature of the earth’s surface, such as hills, valleys, and that which has slope, referring to slope that roughly capable of being described through the equality of mathematical functions, such as parabolas.  In addition, since string is a finite material, it can’t be pulled infinitely taunt before breaking, such that it can overcome the impossibility of being absolutely perpendicular to the earth’s gravitation field, where gravity is defined in the Newtonian sense, as an idea that occurred to him when he was sitting under an apple tree and an apple fell on his head.  And, as the string is pulled more taunt it becomes straighter, but total straightness is impossible to achieve because of the thermodynamics of electromagnetism.
1:12  It is also worthy to note that I also disagree when science calls air a gas.  Since fish breath in water, and humans breath in air, it is not that there is a difference between a gas and a liquid, it is more that in the case of animals oxygen may be extracted from various media through different biological organs. Air is a liquid in that like a liquid it can be poured, and that pouring may be described by density and buoyancy.
1:13  Throw out gravity too. That is what gets people into the mess of the religion of quantum physics, as gravity is the theory by which quantum physics is derived.  Without gravity, which has already been disproved, quantum physics has no basis by which to generate its increasingly absurd mathematics.
1:14  Albert Einstein openly stated that he was unhappy with his theory of gravity when he made it, thinking it fallible.
1:15  The evidence of the electromagnetic mixing currents may be observed by simply pouring water through a funnel. The swirl is an elaborate pattern that is a mixing current. The swirl is an electrical current. It is not quantum indeterminacy that causes the results of quantum physics experiments, but complex electromagnetic mixing current.  This may be thought of conceptual as the ways which the wind blows on a windy day.  That is, the ways which the wind blows are complex patterns, and are not due to randomness only.
1:16  I am not the only one that criticized gravity. Einstein criticized his own theory. He sought to disprove it because thought it was wrong. If you consider him to be anybody, know that that he was as important to humanities learning of the concepts of the universe as say, Charles Darwin or Nicolai Tesla.  That is, his criticisms of his own theory should be taken seriously, especially because he was able to generate great respect among his peers in the field, exclusive of those that simply follow the crowd simply for its own sake because they accept that someone knows better than them, such that he or she is infallible.
1:17  The point of the straight line argument was to show you that mathematical representations are not even close to full proof. It is impossible to use math to disprove math, as calculus 101, meaning a college level class that includes limits and derivatives, etc, is considered to be math, where math is subject to the inconsistencies of logic.
1:18  Perhaps, it is because we humans have DNA, which may be described by a four letter alphabet (A, T, G, and C) that we can understand the concept of a straight line or math in imagination. It takes an alphabet or two to understand math, such as the English alphabet and numerals.  That is, math relies on proofs which use language and numerals. The concept of a straight line arises from a discontinuous mind, which may be possible for the human consciousness to fathom because there are gaps between neurons that are traversed by neurotransmitters, so we think.  That is that the DNA alphabet may give us the concrete chemicals we need in order to understand what a straight line is, and other things such as whether or not all three points of a triangle are mathematically required to be included or not included when describing a triangle, which may be described by three linear functions that overlap each other.  The overlapping of points of linear functions may be represented as differences in color on televisions, of which some computers are capable of generating matrices with millions of colors, or more, but the original color monitors only consisted of 256 colors, where black and white monitors are described as something different than 256 colors, though various shades of grey are considered to be colors.  However, a problem with matrices is that though a computer may be capable of generating, say 256 colors, the nature of these colors may be calibrated infinitely to produce more accurate image representations.
1:19  Water pouring through a funnel is an electrical current though it does not show up on our electrical bills from companies that supply power.  A reason that water pouring through a funnel may be described through an electrical current is that water is a bent molecule where negative charge collects near the oxygen atom of the water molecule, such that it is negative near the middle of the molecule and positive at the ends at the polar ends.  Water is most certainly charged. Water's properties, such as the swirl when you pour it through a funnel arise because of charge, which I have crudely described through commonly known ideas taught in chemistry, such as the way to draw representations of compounds on paper.
1:20  Do not ask me to give a firm mathematical foundation where the very nature of the foundation of quantum physics, the one you believe (believed?), because while it is rooted in mathematics, is not firm and is doublethink, such that it’s contradictions collapse upon inspection.
1:21  Reasonably, if the nature of quantum physics is rooted in mathematics, then mathematics can’t be a firm foundation as math has inconsistencies and though they are minute, that is precisely the reason why.  That is, the discipline of quantum physics attempts to describe matter, where it is concluded that the smaller the size of a unit of matter, the more absurdly it behaves.  However, this behavior in reality is not absurd, as smaller particles of matter are more easily influenced by various electromagnetic mixing currents, which are comparable to the ways which a speck of dust blows in a hurricane.  That is the speck of dust may appear to behave absurdly, but upon further inspection the reason why it behaved this way was because it was blowing in the wind.
1:22  Albert Einstein carelessly gave quantum physics his blessing at first, without giving it much thought, but then he recanted and tried to disprove it. The following is written on the subject, “One of the few perceptive readers of Planck’s early quantum theory papers was the junior patent examiner in Bern, Albert Einstein. To Einstein, the postulate of the energy elements was vivid and real, if appalling, “as if the ground had been pulled from under one, with no firm foundation seen anywhere upon which one could have built.” As it happened, the search for a “firm foundation” occupied Einstein for the rest of his life.” - William H. Cropper
1:22  “Everything in the quantum world occurs at random and there is no direct cause for quantum events.” – Roland Omnes
Does it seem that Einstein’s trying to contradict this by his saying, “God does not play dice?”  It seems to me that Einstein’s statement contradicts Roland Omnes, and his teaching on quantum physics which came to be accepted.  In my own opinion, parts of matter are variable, but that Gd and that this leaves Gd a way into the universe, such that He may operate upon it through manipulating the universe, such that His Torah that He gave to Moses at Mount Sinai are made to be truth.
1:23  Search the New York Times database for the word, "Gravity." You will come up with at least four articles that question it.  The 2010 article in the New York Times, which is possibly the most important newspaper in the nation of the United States of America, says that based upon the calculations of Stephen Hawking, the idea of gravity is actually describable as thermodynamics.
1:24  As I have stated before, quantum physics originated from Einstein’s theory of gravity, and the New York Times article mentioned in verse 23 grossly disproves this equation, thus removing the very fundamentals of the discipline of quantum physics.
1:25  From NPR’s various Facebook pages, “Fresh Air with Terry Gross
Time to put on your thinking caps folks. On Monday, we're going to dive deeply into the possibility that parallel universes exist. Your homework: study and understand string theory, by Monday morning. Oh, who am I kidding? Physicist Brian Greene is going to walk us through what he studies, what it means, and why it could mean parallel universes exist.”
1:25  My first comment to verse 25:
The universe is finite. Go into a room. Shut off the lights. It is dark. At nighttime we see that it is dark. Given that, what reason do we have to believe that the universe is not contained? Matter darks the universe, according to the philosopher, my only known son, Alexander Joseph Hamilton. Grey matter is the matter that is reflecting light. The lights in the sky are probably links to other universes.  However, on most nights we see some stars, such that at night there is not humanely observable total darkness.  That is, within all matter, even space, there is essentially a spark of light, but that the concept of the darkest black hole is something which light can’t escape from.  Thus, there is a such a thing as a border, though this border may not be described by matrices, gravity, or quantum physics, where parallel universes are something that was conceived of through quantum physics.
1:25  My Second Comment to verse 25:
More on the same subject. Sometimes we see what is outside our eye, while sometimes we see inwards, thought, our mind's eye. We see both waves of darkness and waves of light and their intermediates. When we see a star what we are seeing is probably a portal to the inside and the outside, in the same way that when we see an eye, what we are seeing is a portal to the inside and outside. Both light and darkness are portals made up of electromagnetic mixing currents, which are ox/redox reactions.  Matter emits darkness.  Light receives darkness.  There are also other ways of describing this, which are mentioned in my note Chapter 1 Secrets of the Gsus Chord.
1:26  I discuss verse 25 elsewhere on the internet, which I intend to post on this particular blog at some time in the future.